Sunday, 23 January 2011

Scheduling dog walking and hill sprints into my week

After my chat with Will-the-personal-trainer, I have to add in dog walking AND hill sprints to help me get over the line and achieve 12 kilos in 8 weeks.

Dog walking.
Now dog walking WAS fine.  In the first months I had Dusty, I was walking her up to 2 hours a day, striding around the neighbourhood.  In the last month, I have barely made it to 20 minutes each walking session, and make that an amble rather than a walk. 

So, I have to get my act together and walk at least 30 minutes each session - for Dusty's sake as well as mine.
  • 2 x 20-30 minute walking sessions each day
Hill sprints.
The hill sprints? Groan.  I will have to enlist the help of my husband on this one.  He much prefers hill sprints to a jog.  Crazy man.

So, I got his grudging agreement yesterday that he would commit to one session of hill sprints with me a week - and maybe two sessions. I am not going to enjoy that, but together we should at least get them done.

I am having trouble scheduling in a time with my husband for this.  He is in flux with his own training schedule at the moment, so this may have to be ad hoc in the first few weeks.

I will update when a schedule is confirmed for the hill sprints.

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