Thursday, 20 January 2011

Exercise scheduled in

Some sources say only exercise will help you lose weight. Others say only diet will help you lose weight. Most say, try both to lose weight.

Goals to do with losing kilos are not Andy-the-personal-trainer's preference. But, as he said, "While it is the easiest way to measure success, it is not the best.  But, you do have a bit of weight to lose, so let's use that for your first goal." Thanks Andy.  Appreciated.

The training.
I have scheduled three high intensity training sessions.
  • Tuesday 6.30am 
  • Thursday 6.30am 
  • Saturday 7.00am  
I am a morning person, so that suits me really well.

I haven't sorted out a group session time yet. I'll do that next week.

Good, exercise scheduled in. Tick.

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