Sunday, 30 January 2011

Breakfast without eggs

I have given up grains for eight weeks and am struggling with eating eggs at every breakfast meal.

Researching breakfast in my extensive recipe book collection did not come up with any gems, apart from versions of fruit salad.

What I have been doing is having left-overs. That's right. I am ignoring the stereotype of breakfast and just treating it like lunch or dinner.  So, this morning I reheated home-made rissoles with leftover roast pumpkin.  It was quick and tasty.

Quick rissole recipe - mix together 500g mince, 2 eggs, 1 grated carrot, 4-6 tablespoons of hazelnut meal, roll portions of mince mixture into patties and shallow fry or BBQ until cooked.

Oh, and after writing out the recipe, I realise the meal DID have egg in it, but I couldn't taste it or see it, so I am happy.

Next time I go shopping, I am going to buy very thin steaks to eat for breakfast, too.  And for quick options, I have smoked salmon in the fridge and I'll eat a few slices of those on the run with an apple (protein and carbohydrate), or wrap some ham (or proscuito) around slices of rockmelon for an unusual but super tasty meal.

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