Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Week 2 wrap up

Weigh in day today, and while not brilliant on the scales, I am not one to complain about a downward trend.

Tuesday 1 February 2011 - 89.6kg (home scales)

Why am I blue?  It is all to do with the lovely hormones. At least I now understand why I was completely overwrought angry and emotional for a few days late last week, why I have been craving sugar (chocolate preferred), and why I have been feeling so bloated and uncomfortable despite eating far cleaner than I have for quite a few months. It is THAT time of month.

What makes this quite emotionally traumatic for me, though, is that six weeks ago I was pregnant. But, I lost my daughter. So this is my body telling me it is back in the baby making game if I want to be.  I am not sure if I am.

So, if I am feeling less than enthusiastic about my successes this week - and there have been quite a few successes - so be it.  I am giving myself permission to be as blue as I need to be.

But, for the record my achievements this week
  • Getting below 90kilos and losing a total of 2.1 kilos by week 2
  • Going to all my personal training sessions
  • Running/walking/jogging 4kms in under 30 minutes
  • Succumbing to a piece of cake and NOT turning it into a binge session. Twice
  • Getting to a low of 89.4kg before the bloat took me back into the 90's.
  • Taking Dusty for a long walk this morning when it would have been easier to leave it when my legs felt like jelly after my training session (100 thrusters, 50 burpees)
  • choosing healthy options while dining out


Heather @ fatosity said...

Fiona, thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your words of encouragement. I truly appreciate it!
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. How you're feeling is so understandable.
Congrats on your achievements from this week.

Heather @ fatosity said...

That last comment is from me - Heather at fatosity. dumb google accounts messed up user name!