In 2010, because my goal was all about fat loss rather than fitness, Andy wanted me to commit to healthy eating.
My introduction to the Paleo Diet
Andy is an advocate of the Paleo diet and lifestyle - there are plenty of sites that discuss the diet, but at its basis - eat what our ancestors ate: meat, veg, fruit, nuts. What's missing? Dairy, pulses, legumes, grains, sugar.
My weight-loss plan
Andy wanted me to go "strict paleo" for the first four weeks to kickstart healthy eating, and go to personal training three times a week (45 minute sessions).
He also repeatedly said that a food diary is the single best tool I could use for weight loss.
The outcome
FAIL. I had so many excuses for not writing my food diary, and for not bothering to change my eating habits.
As for paleo? While I didn't tell this to Andy, there was no way was I giving up breakfast cereal, hot buttered toast, cheese and sugary treats when I was doing so much exercise!
Surprise surprise, I only lost 5 kilos over several months. I thought the exercise would be enough. I was wrong.
So is having a personal trainer worth it?
Only if you are committed to healthy eating as well. And only if you have specific goals.
The AU$2000ish dollars I spent on personal training in 2010 did not show $2000-worth of results.
Was the experience a waste? No. For two reasons. I DID get a lot stronger. From not being able to do a push up, to doing 80 in a session! So, while I only lost five kilos over those few months, I did increase my fitness.
AND, fast-forward to 2011. I am using a personal trainer again.
Wow, that's quite an accomplishment in the pushups, Fiona. Nice! I bet you lost more fat than you think, and replaced it with muscle. Cheers, Rick
I was pretty chuffed. I have to work back up to that again, but you were right. My fat pinch test comparison shows that I had muscle where before there was only fat.
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